Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development underpins personal development across the whole school, forms an important part of our Catholic Mission and is at the heart of the ethos of Our Lady Queen of Peace.
Academic & Pastoral Work
SMSC is a fundamental part of the academic and pastoral work of the school and is mapped. SMSC supports our students to develop effective relationships, high levels of tolerance and respect for others, regardless of their different cultures, faiths or races. Different viewpoints are welcomed, and our students develop their understanding of the differences between right and wrong and consequences of their behaviour and actions. In a positive culture students are encouraged to be creative and reflect on their own actions and those of others.
Gospel Values
We believe that our core values enable students to grow as well-rounded young people who know right from wrong. We offer each student the chance to experience the Gospel values as a toolkit for living a happy and fulfilled life. Our school is distinctive in nature because it is a faith school which bases its whole ethos on the importance of developing relationships; the important of human worth and the importance of love, justice and hope.
Within our school we review and evaluate the role of the curriculum in SMSC development. Naturally, within the curriculum, there are departments that make a more explicit and defined contribution to students’ SMSC such as Religious Education, ‘Curriculum for Life’ which includes Citizenship, PSHE and Sex and Relationships Education. All other subjects make a valuable contribution to the SMSC development of students through the delivery of the Curriculum Overviews.
Our School Offer
- We provide opportunities for reflection, discussion, advice and support to enable students to set personal goals and develop self-awareness and self esteem
- Our pastoral teams work closely to ensure that tutor and assembly programmes have the aims of this policy in mind and that the delivery is appropriate for each year group
- Students have opportunities to reflect deeply and act on moral or social issues relating to school life and the wider world
- Provide opportunities for all students to study Religious Education and Citizenship
- Students are offered first hand opportunities to meet different people, visit different places and discuss different belief structures and faiths.
Quality Assurance
The Assistant Headteacher in charge of Personal Development works alongside colleagues to ensure that all aspects of our mapping document are implemented and quality assured. This includes monitoring of chaplaincy work, QA of Prayer & Liturgy, QA of the ‘Curriculum for Life’ programme, metal health and well-being provision and tracking, ensuring all related policies are up to date, QA of pastoral programme and regular student voice.